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How Does Utah Treat Medical vs Recreational Marijuana?

 Posted on March 12, 2025 in Drug crimes

Salt Lake City, UT Drug Crimes LawyerUtah has some of the strictest marijuana laws in the country. Although it legalized the use of medical cannabis in 2018, recreational use is still illegal. Since the products themselves can be extremely similar, it can be hard to understand where the distinction between what is legal and illegal lies. Medical marijuana users can even face drug charges for failing to follow the state’s strict regulations. Whether you are a medical patient or someone facing marijuana-related charges, speak with a qualified Utah criminal defense lawyer to understand the laws and how they can affect you.

How is Medical Marijuana Regulated in Utah?

Utah’s medical marijuana program allows people with qualifying conditions to obtain a Medical Cannabis Card and purchase marijuana from state-licensed dispensaries. There are strict rules governing how medical cannabis can be obtained, used, and even transported.

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Can I Be Charged with DUI in Utah Without Actually Driving?

 Posted on February 21, 2025 in DUI

Salt Lake City, UT DUI LawyerMost people think you can only get a DUI if you are caught doing what the name implies: driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In Utah, that is not always the case. You might be surprised to learn that you can be arrested and charged with DUI even if your car is not in motion at the time of the arrest. This is because Utah law includes a concept called "actual physical control" of a vehicle. To understand more about how this could impact you, speak with a knowledgeable Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer.

What Does "Actual Physical Control" Mean?

In Utah, you do not need to be driving to be charged with a DUI. If you are in actual physical control of the vehicle at the time of the arrest, it means that you are in a position to operate it, and therefore, you can be charged even if you were not driving. To determine whether you were in actual physical control of the car, courts will consider various factors.

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Can DNA Impact My Case After My Utah Criminal Conviction?

 Posted on February 10, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Salt Lake City, UT Criminal LawyerDNA is commonly used in criminal cases to demonstrate a defendant’s guilt. However, forensic investigation methods have developed over the years. With more advanced technologies and evidence collection methods available, post-conviction DNA testing has been helping prove the innocence of people wrongfully convicted of serious crimes in Utah. If you believe current science could exonerate you, speak with a qualified Utah criminal defense lawyer to understand your options. 

When is Post-Conviction DNA Testing Feasible?

You cannot overstate the importance of DNA evidence in criminal law. For many years, it has played a decisive role in the fate of many defendants. In recent years, new DNA samples and advanced forensic methods have been brought in to reexamine an old case and many wrongful convictions have been overturned with innocent prisoners exonerated as a result.

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When Can Innocent Possession Be Used to Defend Against Drug Charges?

 Posted on January 24, 2025 in Drug crimes

Davis County, UT Drug Crimes LawyerA major component of drug crime convictions is the suspect’s intent regarding the drugs. However, sometimes a person can be caught in possession of illegal drugs without having intended to be. When that happens, certain jurisdictions recognize "innocent possession" as a defense for drug charges.

Innocent possession is not commonly used in Utah because local drug possession laws inherently require intent to be present for there to be a case. However, mistakes can happen and if you are brought up on drug charges for something you never meant to do or possess, speak with an experienced Utah criminal defense lawyer to learn more.

When Can You Claim Innocent Possession?

There are various scenarios in which you might be able to claim innocent possession to defend against drug charges. These include:

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How Can I Get My Utah Criminal Record Expunged?

 Posted on January 10, 2025 in Criminal Defense

Salt Lake City, UT Criminal LawyerA criminal record can affect many areas of your life long after you have served your time. It can present a challenge when you are applying for a job, an education, or even housing. Certain types of criminal records are eligible for expungement, which would mean they would be removed from the public record and would not cause those challenges. To understand whether you are eligible for this legal clean slate, speak with a qualified Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer who can review your case and explain your options.

Who is Eligible for Expungement?

Just because you want your record expunged does not mean that it will happen. Not all convictions are eligible for expungement and even the ones that are can only be expunged if certain conditions are met.

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Facing Criminal Weapon Charges in Utah Despite Its Lax Laws

 Posted on December 23, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Salt Lake City, UT Criminal Defense AttorneyUtah is considered one of the most permissive states in the country as far as its gun laws are concerned. However, that does not mean there are no rules. Understanding state laws is critical when you face gun-related charges. To learn more, speak with a qualified Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer who can explain how gun laws can influence criminal charges and can build a strong defense to protect your rights.

Concealed Carry Laws in Utah

Most states in the United States can be categorized as "shall-issue" or "may-issue" states. In a "may-issue" state, local authorities can deny a concealed carry gun permit at their discretion, even if the applicant meets all the requirements. Currently, only two states are considered may-issue states. 

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Mental Health Evaluations in Utah Criminal Defense

 Posted on December 10, 2024 in Criminal Defense

Salt Lake City Criminal LawyerIf you are charged with a crime in Utah, many factors can influence the outcome of your case. A judge will consider any criminal record, extenuating circumstances, and the severity of the crime before deciding about a conviction. As the defendant, your mental health is another very important factor that will help a judge make a decision. 

Mental health evaluations are crucial in criminal defense because they can help determine whether the defendant was mentally stable at the time of the crime or should not be held responsible for his or her actions, whether the defendant is mentally fit to stand trial, and whether an alternative to a typical sentence is appropriate. To learn more about how a mental health evaluation can impact your case, speak with an accomplished Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense lawyer.

What is a Mental Health Evaluation?

If you undergo a mental health evaluation, a mental health professional, such as a psychologist or psychiatrist, assesses you and your mental state. The evaluator will examine how your mental health affects your decision-making and behavior. This evaluation is important in criminal cases if the defense wants to demonstrate that the defendant was suffering from mental health issues at the time of the crime or is unfit to stand trial. A mental health evaluation can accomplish several things, including:

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How Does the State Know if You Intended to Distribute Drugs?

 Posted on November 22, 2024 in Drug crimes

UT defense lawyerSimple drug possession is usually a much less serious charge than possession with intent to distribute. Simple possession means having drugs that you intended to use yourself. Possession with intent to distribute means the state thinks you planned to share or sell the drugs. It is a more serious offense that is more likely to get you sent to prison if you are convicted. Courts sometimes see people who had drugs for personal use as addicts who need help, but view drug distributors as a danger to the community. If you have been charged with possession with intent to distribute, you need an experienced Salt Lake City, UT drug crimes lawyer right away.

Telling the Difference Between Possession for Personal Use and Planning to Distribute

Since the court cannot read your mind to tell whether you planned to distribute the drugs to other people, but the prosecutor does have to prove it, the state will use several factors to determine what you intended to do with the drugs. A few factors the state might use to show that you intended to distribute the drugs include: 

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Does Utah Have Romeo and Juliet Laws?

 Posted on November 07, 2024 in Sex crimes

UT defense lawyerIt is normally illegal for adults to have sex with minors, however much the minor claims to have consented. This is because minors are deemed incapable of providing meaningful legal consent. However, it is easy to see where a law stating that no one over 18 years old can have sexual intercourse with anyone younger than 18 years old could have some unintended and severe consequences for high school sweethearts. That is where Romeo and Juliet laws come into play. Utah’s statutory rape laws are designed to prevent a grown adult from sleeping with a much younger person who is still a minor, not to make sex offenders of young people who turn 18 years old while dating a slightly younger teenager. If you are a young adult facing sexual assault charges, you need an experienced Salt Lake City, UT sex crimes defense lawyer.

When Both Parties Are Minors 

Charges are almost never brought when two teenagers have consensual sex with each other. If two minors are close in age, they are very likely protected by Utah’s Romeo and Juliet laws, especially if both parties are at least 15 years old. However, if one party is less than 15 years old, the older of the two could still be charged with a crime, even if he is still technically a minor himself. These laws are designed to prevent older teenagers from sexually exploiting younger children.

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What Happens in a Pre-Trial Conference in Utah?

 Posted on October 17, 2024 in Criminal Defense

SLC, UT criminal defense lawyerIt is distressing to be arrested or accused of a crime, especially if it is your first time. With tensions running high, it can feel overwhelming as you try to learn about the stages of the criminal justice system, and you might have a hard time navigating your desire to be cooperative with your need to protect your rights. 

Depending on the details of your case, you might have to go through a stage called the pretrial conference, which can have a significant impact on your future. If you are facing a criminal process and have questions about what to expect, a skilled Salt Lake City, UT criminal defense attorney has answers.

What is a Pre-Trial Conference?

In misdemeanor and felony cases, the prosecutor and the defense attorney can meet outside court during what is called a pre-trial conference. They discuss the case and try to reach a deal that both can agree to in order to try to avoid going to trial. The defendant typically joins this negotiation, but it can happen without the defendant if that makes more sense for the case in question. The judge is not brought into the conversation unless the sides are unable to reach an agreement on their own.

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