Salt Lake City Metabolite DUI Attorney

Lawyers in Davis County for DUI Charges Based on Blood Tests
For the average American, DUI charges seem relatively straightforward: if you drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, you can be charged. However, in some states—Utah included—you can be charged with a DUI while driving completely sober. While this might seem completely outrageous and a miscarriage of justice, a certain Utah statute allows for such an instance to occur. The law in question is the measurable metabolite statute, and it can lead to serious consequences.
If you are facing charges related to DUI as the result of metabolites found in your system, the team at Collins Rupp, P.C. is ready and willing to help you take action. We will work hard to ensure that your rights and best interests are fully protected every step of the way.
Understanding Metabolite DUI
Under the measurable metabolite statute, Utah drivers can be charged with a DUI if any amount of a controlled substance is found in their blood. This includes medications that were legally prescribed to you. "Metabolites" refer to elements of a drug that remain as the body breaks down the substance in question. The bad news is that controlled substance metabolites can linger well after the effects of the substance wear off. So, if an officer determines a blood or urine test is necessary, you could end up being charged with a DUI based on substances you consumed days or even weeks ago.
While this seems like an unreasonable possibility, the consequences are very real. You could receive jail time, costly fines, and the loss of your license. With this in mind, it is important to act quickly and contact a member of the team at Collins Rupp, P.C. for the guidance you need.
Penalties for a Metabolite DUI Conviction
The consequences of a metabolite DUI can be very serious. In most cases, metabolite DUI is charged as a Class B misdemeanor, the penalties for which could include up to six months in jail, fines of up to $1,000 or more, community service, probation, and suspended driving privileges. The penalties could be much more severe if you have previous DUI charges on your record. If your metabolite DUI is your second offense, you could lose your license for up to three years, receive mandatory jail time, and be forced to drive on a conditional license for up to 10 years. If your metabolite DUI is your third offense, you could be facing felony charges.
If you are facing a metabolite DUI charge, it is critical that you seek representation as quickly as possible. Metabolite DUI charges do allow some opportunities for defense. For example, if the metabolite of the substance found in your system was legally prescribed, this could be a possible defense. According to Utah's metabolite DUI statute, your charge could be dismissed if the metabolite in your system is proven to be a medication prescribed to you by a qualified medical practitioner. Keep in mind, however, that any DUI charge can be extremely difficult to fight on your own, so you should work closely with an experienced metabolite DUI attorney.
Call 385-777-2753 for a Free Consultation
For more information about defending against charges of metabolite DUI in Utah, contact the offices of Collins Rupp, P.C. today. Our skilled attorneys will do everything possible to keep you from being convicted so that you can continue living your life as normal. Call 385-777-2753 to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation.