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Four Types of Theft in Utah

 Posted on October 04,2024 in Theft

Salt Lake City theft defense lawyerIn Utah, punishments for theft are generally based on the value of what was stolen. There are several categories of theft and various penalties each could face. However, even the lowest form of theft for the smallest amount is treated seriously. Additionally, the charges can remain on your criminal record with implications that can last far into the future. Make sure you have reliable legal representation, or the consequences could be dire. This article will explain some categories of theft in Utah. If you are facing theft charges, speak with a seasoned Davis County, UT criminal defense lawyer to learn more.

Embezzlement Charges in Utah

Embezzlement is when someone steals something that they were entrusted to manage. This can be the case when someone:

  • Takes company money for personal use
  • Takes the money or assets of a relative in their care
  • Acts as a financial advisor but steals their client’s money

Burglary Charges in Utah

Burglary is when someone intending to steal something breaks into private property or remains there without permission. An important note is that there is no violence or threat of violence connected to a burglary charge. The person’s intent in this case is important for trying to prove this claim. If the defendant broke in somewhere but did not ultimately steal anything, they could be charged with attempted burglary.

Robbery Charges in Utah

Robbery is when someone forcefully takes something from someone else. It can also be considered robbery if something is taken with the threat of force or by making the alleged victim fear that force would be used. Aggravated robbery means the robber used a deadly weapon or someone got injured during the theft.

Theft of Services in Utah

Normally, people receive private services in exchange for payment. Theft of services is when someone gets services through deception, threats, or using force instead of paying for them.

Penalties for Theft in Utah

According to Utah law, all four types of theft mentioned above can be punished the same way, based on the value of what was stolen, as follows:

  • For anything worth less than $500, you could be charged with a Class B misdemeanor, facing a maximum of 180 days in jail and a fine of up to $1000.
  • For anything worth between $500 and $1,499, you could be charged with a Class A misdemeanor, facing a maximum of 365 days in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
  • For anything worth between $1,500 and $4,999, you could be charged with a third-degree felony, facing a maximum of five years in jail and a fine of up to $5,000.
  • For anything worth $5,000 or more, you could be charged with a second-degree felony, facing a maximum of fifteen years in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Salt Lake City, UT Theft Defense Lawyer

If you are facing theft charges, a knowledgeable Davis County, UT criminal defense attorney can help you understand your options. At Collins Rupp, P.C., we review all the relevant details to build the strongest defense for our clients and get them the best possible outcome. Call us at 385-777-2753 to schedule a free consultation.

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